Providing warmth & hope inr1

Terms & Conditions

Providing warmth & hope child


The undersigned (on my own behalf and on behalf of my heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns), for and in consideration of the opportunity to participate in the The Coats For Kids Ride (hereinafter, “The Event”) organized by Coats For Kids Ride, Inc. d/b/a Coats For Kids Ride and its sponsors, agents, employees, representatives, volunteers, supporters, personnel, employees, agents, attorneys and organizers (hereinafter, the “RELEASED PARTIES”) releases and holds harmless the “RELEASED PARTIES” from any and all claims and demands, rights and causes of action of any kind whatsoever which I now have or later may have against the “RELEASED PARTIES” in any way resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with the Event known as the Coats For Kids Ride to be conducted on November 30, 2024.

This Release extends to any and all claims I have or later may have against the “RELEASED PARTIES” resulting from or arising out of the Event whether or not such claims result from negligence on the part of any or all of the “RELEASED PARTIES” with respect to the EVENT or with respect to the conditions, qualifications, instructions, rules or procedures under which the EVENT is or may be conducted or from anything related to the Event that give rise to the cause of action or claim. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS THAT I AGREE NOT TO SUE ANY OR ALL OF THE “RELEASED PARTIES” FOR ANY INJURY, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING TO MYSELF OR MY PROPERTY ARISING FROM, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE EVENT.

I affirmatively represent and warrant that I am experienced in and familiar with the operation of a motorcycle, have a license to operate the motorcycle I am driving and fully understand the risks and dangers inherent in participating in a motorcycling event such as “the event”. I am voluntarily participating in the EVENT and I expressly agree to assume the entire risk of any accidents or personal injury, including death, disability, loss to my person or property, including claims as a bystander which may result due to my participation in the event.

I further affirmatively represent that I understand that the “RELEASED PARTIES” have not made any representation as to the safety of the route chosen, the weather conditions impacting the Event or safety of other rider, the organization of the route, or the event, or any other condition giving rise to the event. Further, I affirmatively waive all warranties and representations that are incident or arise out of the Event, the organization of the event or the performance of any participant in the event, including volunteers participating in the event and other riders participating in the event. Further, I acknowledge that the Event is organized as a voluntary ride and I understand that I will obey all traffic laws and rules, including all traffic signals, stop signs, stop lights and speed limits. I understand that I am fully and completely responsible for my own safety and that I will be responsible for my own safety and responsibility while participating in the event. I further agree to act at all times with the utmost caution and concern for other riders and acknowledge that the ride and route are not being monitored by the “Released Parties”.

I certify that I have read this Release and fully understand it and that I am not relying on any statements or representations made by the “RELEASED PARTIES”.